Whatever stage your business is at in its life cycle (from start-up to growth phase to planning for your exit) we can offer support and advice to inform your decision making.

Before starting out you may need help with business planning, cashflow forecasts or the implementation of business controls. We can prepare reports for your benefit or for third parties such as banks or potential investors. You may also want help with identifying the best structure for your business. From sole trades to partnerships and limited companies to limited liability partnerships, we have the experience to advise on the best solution for you both operationally and from a tax point of view.

Once your business is established and in its growth phase, we can assist with budgeting, cashflow management and profit maximisation. You may also want advice on additional financing, efficient profit extraction or development of your internal financial systems.

Finally, when you are looking to exit the business, we can prepare detailed business valuations and help to ‘groom’ the business for sale or advise on alternative exit strategies such as a management buy-out by your senior staff.

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